Roads We've Traveled added to resources page

I’ve been foortunate enough to be approached by some incredible charities and nonprofits, asking me to add them to my resources page. Instead of just adding a resource to the page, I’ve asked for people to write a little bit about their organization and who they serve.

Our latest resource is — an online sedrvice that helps connect people with resources to help them beat drug and alchohol addiction. 

So, without further ado, here is a write-up of is an online portal that provides resources, information, and a support network for people suffering from addiction. It has an extensive directory of drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers across America, as well as detailed guides on the different treatment programs currently being offered.

In its blog section, also regularly covers developments in the industry as well as helpful articles on how family members can support a loved one dealing with addiction. Although the team behind the site derives its research and information from credible sources, the content is not meant to replace professional advice. Rather, they are there to help direct people to the right treatment centers for their addiction.

Besides sharing information online, also employs an outreach team tasked with building connections with relevant partners and spreading awareness about addiction, treatment, and recovery. The site is owned by the Freedom Healthcare of America LLC, which also provides rehabilitation services across the US. These establishments specialize in drug and alcohol addiction treatment and offer a variety of programs, plus ongoing recovery support.

These initiatives are crucial in light of the fact that drug and alcohol addiction continues to be a major problem here in the US. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that drug overdose was the cause of death for a staggering 63,632 Americans in 2016 alone. Two-thirds of these involved a prescription or illicit opioid, a problem that is now an epidemic spread across individuals, families, and communities in the country. The majority of Americans see addiction as a major problem in their local community, regardless of whether it’s rural, suburban, or urban area. So by compiling contact information of treatment centers in one convenient site, is providing persons with addiction easier access to the help they need.

To get started, concerned individuals can either call the site’s national helpline or fill up a simple form. You can go on their website at .